Greetings Friends, Today is the first day I've been able to actually say I almost feel normal. Whatever normal may be, but I feel it. I just might have beat back the bronchitis. I went to Wal Mart today for the weeks groceries and got my hair cut. That salon visit made me feel so pampered. I almost fell asleep at the hair washing station. I've finished 1 antibiotic and the prednisone. I could easily stay on the prednisone to loose my excess weight as it kills my appetite. But that is not a good thing (steroids) and I very much doubt the doctor would be pleased if I suggested it, so I won't. It took me 3 hours to get the hair cut And do the shopping as I was moving rather slowly. (I left hubby at home to nap now that he has bronchitis too.) But I did enjoy being out of the house. The weather is calling for more snow tonight and tomorrow so I wanted to get it done.
Over this past week of being sick I have managed to get my OWOH packages ready but did not get up in time to make it to the post office today so they will go in the mail on Monday. (I had a restless night so hubby let me sleep in.) I also put together a Random Act of Kindness package and it will be going out to a very nice blogger friend. I had so much fun with the OWOH event even though I was sick through much of it. I won a gift too. I'll post picks of it later, maybe tomorrow. But for now I wanted to share the new Wall Pocket I made. I used Mod Podge, denim, paper, ribbon, lace, needle and thread. This is a fun, easy and quick project too. It uses up lots of scraps and can be as decorative or simple as you wish. I've filled the pocket with a few special surprises and am sending it off on it's way. I love giving and receiving R.A.K.'s, don't you?!

I received my newest Somerset Studio magazine in the mail Friday. I love that magazine so much. I really enjoyed For the Love of Mail by Roben-Marie Smith and Collaged Correspondence by Colette Copeland. I can remember a time when my mom and I sent letters to each other written on strange things on purpose. I once sent her a note written on the envelope the cheese comes in for Kraft Macaroni n' Cheese. Who knew then that we were sending each other mail art? Not us, we were just being silly and having fun. The articles inspired me to decorate up a couple of the little packages I will be mailing out. The articles and the fact that the envelopes are recycled. (See below)

I used gesso, paint, paper, mod podge, ink, stamps and those wonderful caran d'ache crayons Tristan sent me to add some color and fun to the envelopes. Lisa Bebi might recognize one of these envelopes, maybe. So next time you are in need of a mailer don't head out to the store, just grab a used one and get to playing. With your imagination and a little bit of tape you'll be reducing, reusing and recycling with an artistic flair.
Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Yourself,
I love your decorated MAIL ART packages. I buy a box of Tyveck white envelopes from the office supply store and when I am in between projects and need to think, I gesso them and paint and collage them. People love to get mail art, good thing because I love to create it. :)Bea
Hi Tess, hope you are getting better with your bronquitis! I am working on the post card!
Have a wonderful (and healthy) week!
Glad you are feeling better, Tess. Go slow to go fast, is what my Mom says to me all the time.
Love the pockets - perfect gifties of kindness.
Awesome - who wants to send out a boring mailer when you can send out some art !
Take good care for you and your hubby !
That is pretty cute!
Oh, Tess! This is wonderful! I love your mail art especially - such beautiful colors and images!Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your kind words - I hope you and your hubby feel better soon! Kristin xo
Hi, Tess! You sure are right! Sometimes a haircut can be just the ticket to feeling pampered!
P.S. My blog has moved! My new location is http://www.gaalcreative.com!
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