Hello Friends,
Seems the rains we've been having has decided to make my degenerative joints act up. I had leg cramps all night last night and a bad case of insomnia. I hate sleeping one hour maybe two and then waking wide awake. I did put my awake time to good use though by experimenting with some art techniques. I bought Cutter Bee cutting board and cutter from Crafty Steals and it came in yesterdays mail. I love that little cutter. It fits great in my hand and I like that I don't have to touch the blade to use it. It came with two cutter bees for piercing paper to sew also. I'll be trying them out later today or tomorrow. As for last night, I made this:
Original Picture (Above)
4X4 Paint-Over (Below)
And this:

Original Picture (Above)
4X4 Paint-Over (Below)
And This:

Original Picture (Above)
5X7 Paint-Over (Below)

These are my first attemps at paint overs and of course I had no idea how to do it. I used the water soluble crayons I received a while back in a giveaway from Tristan over at Enchanted Revelries. A wet finger was my brush. I love finger painting!!! I am pleased with how they turned out and the tulip will be entered into Lisa Bebi's Orange Challenge on Face Book. I still have to figure out refining the edges better. I cut out the tulip and created a water color background to glue it to before painting over it. The same with the Fire and Ice painting. That one took on a life of it's own as it is not what my original vision was. It was fun though and a quiet project. Mustn't disturb the hubby's beauty rest just because I have insomnia. LOL!!
So there you have my newest experiment. I plan to try this again. I think the tulip will be mounted on a piece of wood. The Fire and Ice will go into my journal with explanation to myself of how I did it. The roses are on just plain copy paper. I'm not sure what I will do with it. Maybe just add it to my journal too with journaling about hows and whys while it is still fresh in my mind. I'm thinking I should have colored the tulip before gluing to the background. Or maybe I should outline it with a black pen. I think I'd rather leave this one be at this point as I like it as is. I can always work on refining the edges on the next one. I'm thinking a purple tulip would look pretty. Maybe a series of tulips from this same picture is in order. This little tulip comes up all by itself every year in my front yard. I did not plant it there. Hubby wants to dig up the bulb and plant it somewhere else but I won't let him. One lone soldier stands alone every year to announce the arrival of spring.
I'm off to a Dr. appointment and then motor vehicle to register my new van. Yep, We bought a new vehicle and now I'm kinda sad as I drove the same vehicle for over 10 years. Butt...I love my new minivan. (The AC works without slamming the hood!!) It's a 4 door - just what I always wanted. Woo! Hoo! We took a loan out against ourselves (Savings Account) and I set it up with the bank to make a transfer from checking to savings each month to pay ourselves back. No interest to pay out to the bank this way. A big plus! We picked our own payments. Another plus! And we'll be able to pay ourselves back even faster once we sell the old van. Gotta be thrifty like this now days.
Go over and say hi to Tristan and Lisa, they love visitors.
Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be You,
I'm off to a Dr. appointment and then motor vehicle to register my new van. Yep, We bought a new vehicle and now I'm kinda sad as I drove the same vehicle for over 10 years. Butt...I love my new minivan. (The AC works without slamming the hood!!) It's a 4 door - just what I always wanted. Woo! Hoo! We took a loan out against ourselves (Savings Account) and I set it up with the bank to make a transfer from checking to savings each month to pay ourselves back. No interest to pay out to the bank this way. A big plus! We picked our own payments. Another plus! And we'll be able to pay ourselves back even faster once we sell the old van. Gotta be thrifty like this now days.
Go over and say hi to Tristan and Lisa, they love visitors.
Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be You,
i didn't even know that was a paintover (well, crayon over) i like what you did. i must try it. you taught me something.
sorry about insomnia next time you are up at 4 call me-i'm often up too.
Keep painting!!!!!!!!!!!
Your style is fresh. great colors too
MORE please!
What fun your are having. When I first saw the snow photo I thought OH NO where in the heck does she live! lol Enjoy your new van. I certainly loved all the vans we had over the years. :)Bea
These paint overs are awesome. They are so rich with color and detail. I am totally impressed with this technique.
Sorry your joints are acting up. I've had the same problem with the same rain. Thanks for dropping by and leaving such an awesome comment. You rock!!
Lisa Bebi's Facebook link - and your tulip illustration - led me to your blog. I am also a writer, also interested in Associated Content...would like to know more, if possible. Happy to have found you.
Hey Tess,
You inspired me with your paint-overs. You are my blog pick of the day today (May 28). Have a great extended weekend.
Wow Tess I love your insomnia creations! I don't think I could pick a favorite! How creative are you in the wee hours of the morning : )
It's raining here as well and since I got the Parvo B19 virus the cool, damp weather does not help!
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog on my doodles... Lol, you had so many ideas! My fingers are aching a bit and I'm seeing double... no rest for the wicked!
Again thanks for all the ideas...
Pattee : )
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