Saturday, August 28, 2021

Greetings all, 

COVID-19 has struck my family and I find myself with some extra downtime on my hands.  Today was a very sad day 😢 as we laid to rest my beloved stepdad.  He was a good man to my mother and our family. He was battling cancer and contracted COVID. He was diagnosed with pnuemonia a week before they tested him for COVID. I am grateful God did not let him linger under hospice care too long. When we thought he only had pneumonia I would go and spend time with him while mom went to work as he did not want to be left alone. We still do not know where he got the COVID from as he seldom left the house. My mom is handling this well and stayed by his side to the end. Next I tested positive, then my mother and now my granddaughter.  My granddaughter lives with me now. We are all doing well thankfully,  quarntined at home . However, we did mask up and slather down with sanitizer to go to the burial site. Yes, we all kept our distances. Even so it was a beautiful day and a beautiful service. 😊

I lost my dear husband and best friend on August 13th, 2020 three years after loosing my oldest daughter.  He had been ill and was waiting for an appt. with a cardiologist. He also had COPD and refused to quit smoking. I guess his body could not wait. I found him when I came home from work, he had died in his sleep during his afternoon nap. I miss him so! 😢 The last year had taken it's tole on me emotionally. I was forced to retire early so I am retired now and attempting to work from home.  I  hope to share that journey here. I am so glad I remembered this blog and went looking for it. I see there have been many changes here at blogspot and I hope to catch up on them all.  Thank you all for reading my post. 
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Until next time please... 
Be Happy, Be Healthy and Be Safe,
Teresa aka Tess

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