Praise God the washing machine is fixed and drain problem has been solved for now so that I can wash laundry at home. It's hard to double task at the laundromat when there are so many other things needing to be done at home.
I've been working on the healing rays of sunshine painting now and then. No picture yet though.
Anne at Gaale Creative posted about wordles and I found them interesting. I made one for Bobbie. Link is below....
title="Wordle: Bobbie wordle">
alt="Wordle: Bobbie wordle"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
title="Wordle: Bobbie wordle">
alt="Wordle: Bobbie wordle"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
I found that Wordle site a fun distraction.
Bobbie has fallen twice so far this weekend. She seems to get weaker every day. The 24th seems like an eternity away. And of course now there are Non-insurance issues my son-in-law is dealing with. Ugh!!
Thank you all for praying for Bobbie, please continue.
Yay for the laundry machine! I feel your pain. I 'bout died when ours was broken. We don't have a laundry mat out here.
hi tess! i've never seen a wordle before...i can see how you could pass quite a bit of time putting one of those together! and, i'm so glad that you're enjoying your new journal...another great way to spend some time to yourself! :)
Hi, Tess! Love the poem, quote, AND the Wordle! Hang in there! Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and heart! :-)
Hi, Tess! I've nominated you for an award! Come pick it up from my blog (just click through my name). :-)
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