Friday, July 25, 2008

My Grandmothers Hands

I've been missing my grandmothers lately. Sadly they are all deceased. But I remember them well. I found a photo on wikimedia by Ilona Eggers that is the way I picture my grandmothers hands; rough, calloused and wrinkled. I altared it a bit to make it fit more into how I wanted it to appear here. (Wikimedia is great for copyright free images.)
I wrote this poem one day while thinking of one of my grandmothers.
My Grandmothers Hands
Those hands were often rough and calloused
From digging in her garden.
Those hands were working hands.
They kneaded dough to make us bread,
And snapped many bushels of beans.
Those hands would swat us when we needed,
And serve up candies from her apron when we were good.
Those hands taught us how to fold ours,
In prayer,
And turned the pages of the big hymnal.
Those hands cared for babies,
Hers and others.
They cooked and cleaned and washed daily.
Those hands never ceased to work,
To care for her family.
Those were my grandmothers hands.
July 2008
I wrote a whole article about what I remember most about my grandmothers. Describing the wonderful qualities they had, the things I loved about them. I published the article on AC. I want my daughters to know about them. They only new one of my grandmothers and by the time they came to meet her she had alzheimers. They missed out on knowing a wonderful woman. You may read the article here.
Have you told your granmother how much she means to you lately? Have you shared with your children her wonderful qualities if she is no longer here on this earth?
You should.....

Monday, July 21, 2008


Alter, Altered, Alters, Altering

Consider the word altered. Seven letters beginning with the first letter of the alphabet. The word altered can be the beginning of something new and different. The American Heritage Dictionary describes altered as an adjective. The definition used is to change or make different. With Altered Art for instance the artist will take something that already exists and alter it to make it her own. Adding paint, glue, beads, found objects to a car tag for instance, alters the tag and makes it a work of art, possibly a wall hanging. This is done many times throughout ones life. We alter our clothing, our hair, our surroundings. We are forever changing the look of things, walls, furniture; altering our belongings has become a favorite past time for many.

Often we are altered through no circumstances of our own. Something will happen that will forever alter the way we see ourselves or another. This altering may take years, sometimes a lifetime to undo. Sometimes the altering is for the best and should be left undone. Often I wonder if what I see before me is real and unchanged or if it has been altered in some way to present an expected or unexpected view.

Consider the word altered. Have you altered something or someone lately?

Altered States

Sometimes beneath
The manicure and press,
Beyond the eyes
So well dressed,
Lies the venom of
A devoured whole.

Sometimes beneath
The grime of city slime,
Beyond the eyes
Past their prime,
Lies the beauty of
A loving soul.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Greetings Sunday,

While browsing the net and checking e-mails last night I came across a post from Eileen Brown. Eileen is the moderator of the A.B.H.P. Network on among many other things. A copywriter, web designer, etc., she is a professional extraordinaire. You can find out more about Eileen by visiting her Ryze website:

But Eileen is not what today's post is about. Through Eileen I found Actionbites is a blog by Lindy Asimus. I had not been to her site before and did look around a bit. This is an amazing woman also. What did attract me to click on the link for actionbites in Eileen's post was the mention of Matt's video. I had heard of the "Where the hell is Matt" video before but had never seen it.

Who is Matt? Why Matt Harding of course. To be honest I don't know who he is but I do know he created a great video on youtube. In his video Matt is dancing in some of the most beautiful, far away places I have never seen, except through his video. Dancing! Yes dancing, and not just Matt but in some of the clips he is dancing with Monks in Laos and children in Mulindi, Rwanda. Even the seals on South Shetland Island seemed to be dancing with Matt. He dances with many in Spain, Ireland, Zambi, Kyrgyrzstan, Poland and many other wonderfully exotic places. He is even shown in the United States with some very beautiful scenery of places I have been to.

While watching these video clips (I ended up going to his youtube site) I wondered has Matt found the solution to World Peace? Is dancing together, laughing, smiling, wiggling; is this what is needed more of to conquer the woos of this world? I don't know about that but it sure is obvious Matt Harding has found the universal language to conquer all barriers wherever he may be, dance. See his videos here on youtube:

I pray you all are having and will continue to have a wonderful Sunday.
To the dance,

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Today is My Mothers Birthday

Greetings everyone,

Today is a very special day. It is my mothers birthday. I wanted to mark her special day by posting something here just for her. Something that not only she would see but everyone would see. My mother and I have not always had the best of relationships. For many years we were completely apart. I found out though that she never gave up on me, not really, not like I had thought. And I thank her for that.

So today I want to wish her not only a Happy Birthday,

but many other things as well.

I could wish that we had never been separated like we were,

but so many lives would be altered if I wish for that, so I can't.

I could wish that she lived closer to me,

but she loves her quiet country home, so I shan't.

So instead I wish for her-

many sunny days to warm her face,

many friends to cheer her when she's down,

good health to keep her active,

enough in her bank account to satisfy her needs-

and a bit more to play with,

enough love to spill out of her heart-

for both her and others,

but most of all,

I wish for her many more lovely years

here with us on this earth.

Happy Birthday Mom, I love you !!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Do You Call Your Children Names When You Are Angry or Frustrated?
I wrote this poem many years ago after hearing a father do just that. I hope this poem will give someone the opportunity to think and to change the way they deal with their child and anger.



Don't yell at me,
Don't scream or shout,
I'm just a child-
An angel in God's eyes,
I look to you for guidance,
A safe comforting voice.
I listen to every word you speak,
And hear you with my heart.
I'm but a child-
And you are my hero,
A giant angel in my eyes.
Don't yell at me,
Don't scream or shout.
I'm just a child-
You're child,
A gift from God,
And I believe-
Every Word You Say!

Now read that last line again. Children really do believe every word we adults use. Our words can lift up a child or tear that child down. It is the same with many adults. We look to each other for guidance, inspiration, acceptance, love; and we can tear each other down with mere words. Let's use kind words today towards ourselves and towards others.