Monday, December 6, 2021

 Hello All, 

Sorry I'm so far behind on posting. I've been doing great and very busy. Thanksgiving was at my mom's house this year. It's the first time in probably 25+ years that I have not hosted Thanksgiving at my house. I live near a Wendy's construction site and well there just wasn't going to be enough parking. I think all went well and everyone locally was there except for a an Aunt and Uncle, and I think mom really enjoyed it. Raven and I stayed over Wednesday night to help with preparations, turkey and ham for 15 people. Then we stayed over again Thursday night to make sure everything was cleaned up and mom was not alone. This was her first holdiay without Henry, my step-dad. 

I've also been studying and embarking on a new adventure.  I now have an etsy shop and I design and sell coffee mugs. Here is a link to an example of one of my creations:

The name of my shop is:  MugsAndMoreByTess . (Click on the name and the link will take you there.) It is still a work in progress. I do hope you will take a look and let me know what you think. 

Nov. 22nd was my late daughters birthday, we lost her to cancer 4 years ago. My granddaughter and other daughter and I went to my late daughters favorite restaurant to spend some time together and remember her.  We always have fun when we do that. 

Dec. 2nd was my late husbands birthday. I could not get ahold of my daughter so my granddaughter and I went to his favorite restauraunt to celebrate his day. I miss him so. It was a hard day and I did shed some tears but my granddaughter did her best to keep our spirits up. 

Well untill next time I hope you all stay healthy and be happy,


Teresa aka Tess

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